Revenue management for success

I assist companies in strategically analyzing their revenue streams, unveiling hidden opportunities, and mitigating threats to maximize profitability.

What I excel at?

I believe in your success and are committed to leveraging revenue management strategies to optimize your profitability, whether you operate in the fast-moving consumer goods sector, retail or other industries.


Comprehensive evaluations to identify your company's current standing in revenue management, including capabilities, tools, people, knowledge, and processes

Revenue Management Strategy
Revenue Management Strategy
Revenue Management Strategy

Portfolio management, Pricing Strategies, Commercial Strategies, based on data and market insights.

Company-wide Enablement

Instilling a revenue management mindset across your organization, from top-level executives to operational staff.

Tools and Technology
Tools and Technology
Advanced Tools and Technology

Utilizing market research, data analytics, simulators, and even artificial intelligence to achieve your revenue goals.

Let me help you

Our approach


Business Challenge Review

We help you realize the biggest challenges you're facing.


Data Collection and Preparation

Together, we'll collect and format all the relevant data.


Data Analysis

We dive deep into the data, and aim to understand the underlying why.


Business Implementation

Implementation often happens in phases paired with vigorous testing.

How will you benefit?

Understanding the overarching trends of your business and overall market saves you time, money and energy in the long run, and can help you dominate your market.

Improved Revenue Streams
Better Pricing Strategies
Organization Mindset Shift
Advanced Tools and Tehcnologies
Portfolio Optimization
Data and Insights Driven

I’ve helped them

I've collaborated with leading brands to provide actionable revenue management strategies that solve complex business challenges.

Happy clients

Don't just take our word for it – our clients frequently stay in touch with us and work with us on future projects that require big data insights.

John Bjerrand

I work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.

Anna Claudio

As the in-house supplier manager, it's sometimes had to understand which manufacturers work best for our needs. Lilo's data analysis helped us identify where we could save and which manufacturers worked the best for us in the long term.

Contact me

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.